Jabi and I were in LA over the weekend for his cousin’s wedding and since we could not resist we added a couple of days onto our trip to go to Disneyland! We may be nearing 30, we may not have small children yet, but it doesn’t mean we don’t enjoy being big kids!
When we visit Disneyland we try to eat at the park as much as we can. I feel like some of the surrounding chain restaurants are just not good. Sorry to IHOP and Denny’s – but never again! I don’t know what it is, but the water is gross and the food just tastes so bad! It’s surprising because we figure they would want to attract Disneyland clients, but maybe they feel like there are plenty of people looking to save by eating outside the park that they will eat there regardless of the quality of food. Ugh, I always feel sick afterwards! Since then on, Jabi and I just eat at the park. The food can be pricey but usually it’s always delicious and worth it!
This most recent trip we had breakfast at the Carnation Café located on Main Street! The food was so good! I had a good old fashion breakfast of eggs, sausage, potatoes and a biscuit. Jabi ordered the apple granola pancakes! It tasted AMAZING, like warm apple pie!
Some never fails treats we must indulge in are the pineapple dole whip which you can find outside the Tiki Room in Adventure Land and the Ice cream sundaes at the Ghirardelli shoppe in California Adventure! We usually share, so we don't feel guilty of gluttony :/
We meant to have lunch at the New Orleans Café but they were renovating and so we were left making are way back to the Carnation Café for lunch too! Jabi tried the Green Chile Cheeseburger (It had a green chile and a fried egg on it) and I went with the old-fashioned cheeseburger. He said it was good but I didn’t try it. I loved the seasoning on the fries and let me not forget the side made famous by Snookie...the fried pickles!
We also went to Goofy’s Kitchen for breakfast the day after. It’s a buffet breakfast, all you can eat of course, $39 per adult which includes tax and tip. Totally worth it! Let me tell you right now…those egg benedicts are amazeballs! I had three! They have really good breakfast and brunch dishes, along with an omelet bar, cereal bar, salad bar and dessert bar! Goofy’s Kitchen breakfast is great it you have children and you want to get some photo opportunities with some of the Disney characters. The characters on duty that morning make their way around all the tables and you get to interact with them for a few minutes. Sorry I have no pictures of my food, I was too busy eating.
I never leave home without a few staple treats! The Minnie Mouse chocolate chip cookies are thee best! Especially if you like to guiltily eat raw cookie dough (I know it’s bad for you, but I don’t care!), these cookies taste very similar to raw cookie dough but it’s cooked so you don’t have to worry about any traces of E.Coli. Ha! Another treat I never leave without are a couple bags of popcorn, more specifically the cheddar popcorn and chocolate caramel popcorn! Hello!